The Secret Of The Quilted Jacket. SOFT ARMOR!

2 min readFeb 26, 2021


Just for the sake of humor, I would like to remind you about the most effective real means of defense — “TEGILIAI! -Humor is that there is a phenomenal effect of fibrous materials. They are NOT pierced by a bullet and does not cut through a sword and does not pierce a sword and a pike. A standard cotton bale will not penetrate a 3-inch cannon!

penal tied chest constricted jacket and fled into the attack! They were still alive after many bullets hit and occupied the trenches of the Germans! Vata has an extremely interesting about rehydrating effect. and etomu- Wet the fabric and try to pierce it with a needle!

Soft armor lightly soaked before the battle! And
that’s it! So here! The humor is that both in the fictional Russian history of wars and used in the real Asian armies of the world of the 17–20th centuries. Everyone knew about this “soft” armor.

In the fictional history of Russia, it was “TEGILIAI” = Soft armor that was perhaps the most effective means of Defense.
It was a thick mattress-robe, tightly assembled of cotton wool.
It was impossible to pierce-pierce-cut through with something
(Except for the professional SAWING WITH A STRETCH blow of a crooked saber, and in fact for this the SABLES were, according to the legend of the “Greens”!

In Russia itself, within the framework of ARTKOM GAU (Department of the Ministry of Defense) in 1914, the issue of the protection of an infantryman was discussed, and precisely the required type of “soft” armor was discussed. Many samples were submitted for consideration. And the following type was recognized as the most optimal. 5–6 centimeters prefabricated plane (Vest) from Loose! Assembled — easily stitched layers of fibrous tissue, even a 7.92 mm Mauser rifle bullet (3240 Joules) can only penetrate from 30–40 meters! And then on dense parts of the body like the chest!

This “Vest” was not cut through by a saber and at all did not penetrate a single pistol bullet of any weapon system at point-blank range “(Run through the review articles in the” Artillery Journal “..)

In the fictional history of Russia, Tegiliai was a massive folk armor, and was used in a wadded or fibrous form, in fact, as the dominant type of armor up to 70–80% of the Russian People’s Army, and as part of the Community Militia.
Because there were no those armies before Peter-Generally!
There were no real Tegilyaevs at all
And no one knew what crooked sabers were for!




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